Tuesday, January 7, 2020

His 204 American History Since 1865 Essay - 2139 Words

American Woman Brenda R. Dople HIS 204: American History Since 1865 Timothy Smith October 7, 2012 As a woman myself, it is hard to imagine a time when I would not have been allowed to attend college, let alone be writing this paper. As children most of us heard stories from our grandparent’s about what life was like they were young. I can remember laughing at the thought of â€Å"walking up hill both ways† to get to school. With the liberties American Women have today, it is easy to take for granted everything the women before us fought so hard for. It is easy to forget the treatment they suffered in their struggle to bring us to today. In this paper we will examine the lives, struggles, and small victories of women that have led us to†¦show more content†¦Many also believed it was the man’s decision as to how many children his wife should have. Sanger continued her quest opening a birth-control clinic in Brooklyn, New York, in 1916; one year later, the authorities arrested her for giving contraceptives to immigrant women (Bowles, 2011). At first gl ance it appears that Sanger had good intentions. â€Å"Others criticized her for involvement with eugenics, which was a scientific movement in which its practitioners advocated the notion that all mental and physical abnormalities were linked to hereditary and, with selective breeding, could be eliminated. They questioned whether or not Sangers insistence on birth control and abortion was in fact a way to limit the growth of ethnic populations† (Bowles, 2011). â€Å"Of course, her activism put her directly at odds with law-enforcement officials and the Catholic Church, but little discussed is the actual extent to which her early Marxism guided much of what she managed to achieve. Her good friends included ultra-radicals like John Reed and Emma Goldman, and the truth is that Margaret’s feminism, and her support for eugenic ‘sexual science’, were both simply part-and-parcel of her own unique Marxist vision. Humanitarianism, per se, had little to do with w hat motivated Margaret Sanger† (Spooner, 2005). Sanger’s actions and motivations are a controversial topic that have been analyzed and debated for years. â€Å"According to her New York Times obituary,Show MoreRelatedcompare and contrast of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson808 Words   |  4 Pagesand Theodore Roosevelt By HIS 204 American History since 1865 Instructor: Kathleen Scarpena November 25, 2013 Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson are two of America’s most celebrated presidents during the 20th century. Theodore Roosevelt who was a Republican had a military background and created the American conservation movement. 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